Once a business has joined the network, they are encouraged to have a look at the Where to Start page on the website to develop their own Sustainability Policy.

Once completed and made public (e.g. published on a business website with a link available for viewing, or shared with customers through a newsletter), they will be added to this page. They can also apply to add the Pakihi Toitū o Kāpiti badge to their website and email. 

The badge is not an accreditation. It’s a sign to customers that the business owner(s) are committed to improving sustainable business practices and that they are part of the Pakihi Toitū o Kāpiti network.

Pakihi Toitū o Kāpiti Badge

Get in touch

Are you keen to be part of Pakihi Toitū o Kāpiti?  Reach out here and our Cluster Coordinator will be in touch.

Teresea Grigg

Teresea Grigg's Portrait