Aston Road Villa Bed and Breakfast with Sustainable Foundations 

You will find Aston Road Villa nestled in Waikanae Downs, offering a contemporary bed and breakfast experience. Dean and Louise Compton purchased the section, where the villa now sits, in 2004. The property had a small stream on the south side, coming down the hill with no trees. 

In 2012, friends of the couple shared the work they had been doing to protect a stream on their property with the assistance of the Riparian Trust.  

“We decided to investigate and contacted the Biodiversity Advisor at Kāpiti Coast District Council.  Funding was available for fencing the strip of land alongside our stream, which was permanently retired as part of a Memorandum of Understanding.  

This was the start of our sustainability journey. We then planted 3,000 native trees especially varieties to attract native birds and provide nectar sources for bees,” says Louise.  

In 2016, the Comptons  decided to design and build a new home which incorporated a designated guest wing where they could host and share travel experiences with guests. In February 2018, Aston Road Villa Bed and Breakfast opened and welcomed its first visitors.   

“Right from the start, we had a commitment to sustainability. Protecting and caring for the environment we live in is important to us,” says Louise. 

“Sustainability is part of our strategic and operational plan, and we have a core commitment to sustainable tourism in all economic, visitor, host community and environment areas.  

“Kaitikaitanga, the concept of guardianship for the sky, sea and land, are all included in the process and practices of protecting and looking after our environment. 

“We communicate our sustainability actions on our website. Setting up the business, we made sure our cleaning products, laundry detergents, soaps, and shampoo were biodegradable and eco-friendly. Recycling is encouraged, reusing Oeko-Tex towels and air-dried laundry are important. We have good Energy Star-rated appliances and a wrapped hot water cylinder for efficiency. 

“We grow organic vegetables, have established an on-site orchard, compost our fruit and vegetable waste, and have continued planting on the property. We only use organic sprays, and keep bees, chickens and sheep.  

“Other practical actions at the Villa include recycling bins for our guests’ use, and three trees donated monthly to Trees That Count. Guests are given honey from the property’s hives, and they support local business such as Kāpiti Chocolates and Ōtaki Bakehouse, ensuring sustainable supply chains are used for purchasing goods.”

 Aston Road Villa has committed to the Tiaki promise and has belonged to the NZ Bed and Breakfast Association since May 2018. This is a quality assurance programme that includes the establishment of an environmental and sustainability policy. In July 2022 the Villa achieved a Qualmark 4 star Plus Bed and Breakfast grading and a Silver Sustainable Tourism Award for their efforts.  

Aston Road Villa Bed and Breakfast

“Sustainability is a valuable point of difference in a business. Our focus is on the overseas tourist market. Many guests are now concerned that accommodation providers are delivering the smallest carbon footprint possible with their operation,” says Louise. 

“We have an action plan that we’re implementing over the next three years. The sustainability process is ongoing and by reviewing it regularly it instigates more ways to be sustainable. It’s a work in progress. 

“It’s a journey not a destination, it is ongoing, requires upskilling, researching and networking.” 

Louise shares the benefits to his business from pursuing more sustainable operations.  

“We attract guests who have the same sustainable focus as we do. When we travel, we actively seek accommodation that is sustainable. It is often the reason our accommodation is booked ahead of others. For example, now have sustainable property measures that includes some of our policies in place regarding waste, water, energy, community and nature.” 

Future sustainability efforts for Aston Villa include investigating carbon neutral options and zero waste, which are long term goals (within the next three years) for the business.  

“Our advice is to have a detailed look at what you are doing now – you’re probably doing more towards sustainability than you think. Sign up to the New Zealand Tourism Sustainability Commitment - it provides a great framework for you to work from.  

“Align with others on this sustainability journey. Networking has many benefits. Louise organises seasonal catch ups with other B&B association members and attends a 50+ entrepreneurs’ group in Kāpiti, which is great support.” 

Find out more about Aston Villa’s sustainability initiatives. 

“Sustainability is a valuable point of difference in a business. Our focus is on the overseas tourist market. Many guests are now concerned that accommodation providers are delivering the smallest carbon footprint possible with their operation.”

–  Louise Compton, Owner Aston Road Villa

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